Title: | Agnostic, Idiomatic Data Filter Module for Shiny |
Description: | When added to an existing shiny app, users may subset any developer-chosen R data.frame on the fly. That is, users are empowered to slice & dice data by applying multiple (order specific) filters using the AND (&) operator between each, and getting real-time updates on the number of rows effected/available along the way. Thus, any downstream processes that leverage this data source (like tables, plots, or statistical procedures) will re-render after new filters are applied. The shiny module’s user interface has a 'minimalist' aesthetic so that the focus can be on the data & other visuals. In addition to returning a reactive (filtered) data.frame, 'IDEAFilter' as also returns 'dplyr' filter statements used to actually slice the data. |
Authors: | Aaron Clark [aut, cre] |
Maintainer: | Aaron Clark <[email protected]> |
License: | MIT + file LICENSE |
Version: | 0.2.0 |
Built: | 2025-03-11 05:02:28 UTC |
Source: | https://github.com/biogen-inc/ideafilter |
Serves as a wrapper for shiny_data_filter
and utilizes
for a more modern implementation of the data item
IDEAFilter( id, data, ..., col_subset = NULL, preselection = NULL, verbose = FALSE )
IDEAFilter( id, data, ..., col_subset = NULL, preselection = NULL, verbose = FALSE )
id |
a module id name |
data |
a |
... |
placeholder for inclusion of additional parameters in future development |
col_subset |
a |
preselection |
a |
verbose |
a |
a reactive expression
which returns the filtered data wrapped
in an additional class, "shinyDataFilter_df". This structure also contains
a "code" field which represents the code needed to generate the filtered
IDEAFilter_ui, shiny_data_filter
if(all(c(interactive(), require("dplyr"), require("IDEAFilter")))) { library(shiny) library(IDEAFilter) library(dplyr) # for data pre-processing and example data # prep a new data.frame with more diverse data types starwars2 <- starwars %>% mutate_if(~is.numeric(.) && all(Filter(Negate(is.na), .) %% 1 == 0), as.integer) %>% mutate_if(~is.character(.) && length(unique(.)) <= 25, as.factor) %>% mutate(is_droid = species == "Droid") %>% select(name, gender, height, mass, hair_color, eye_color, vehicles, is_droid) # create some labels to showcase column select input attr(starwars2$name, "label") <- "name of character" attr(starwars2$gender, "label") <- "gender of character" attr(starwars2$height, "label") <- "height of character in centimeters" attr(starwars2$mass, "label") <- "mass of character in kilograms" attr(starwars2$is_droid, "label") <- "whether character is a droid" ui <- fluidPage( titlePanel("Filter Data Example"), fluidRow( column(8, verbatimTextOutput("data_summary"), verbatimTextOutput("data_filter_code")), column(4, IDEAFilter_ui("data_filter")))) server <- function(input, output, session) { filtered_data <- IDEAFilter("data_filter", data = starwars2, verbose = FALSE) output$data_filter_code <- renderPrint({ cat(gsub("%>%", "%>% \n ", gsub("\\s{2,}", " ", paste0( capture.output(attr(filtered_data(), "code")), collapse = " ")) )) }) output$data_summary <- renderPrint({ if (nrow(filtered_data())) show(filtered_data()) else "No data available" }) } shinyApp(ui = ui, server = server) }
if(all(c(interactive(), require("dplyr"), require("IDEAFilter")))) { library(shiny) library(IDEAFilter) library(dplyr) # for data pre-processing and example data # prep a new data.frame with more diverse data types starwars2 <- starwars %>% mutate_if(~is.numeric(.) && all(Filter(Negate(is.na), .) %% 1 == 0), as.integer) %>% mutate_if(~is.character(.) && length(unique(.)) <= 25, as.factor) %>% mutate(is_droid = species == "Droid") %>% select(name, gender, height, mass, hair_color, eye_color, vehicles, is_droid) # create some labels to showcase column select input attr(starwars2$name, "label") <- "name of character" attr(starwars2$gender, "label") <- "gender of character" attr(starwars2$height, "label") <- "height of character in centimeters" attr(starwars2$mass, "label") <- "mass of character in kilograms" attr(starwars2$is_droid, "label") <- "whether character is a droid" ui <- fluidPage( titlePanel("Filter Data Example"), fluidRow( column(8, verbatimTextOutput("data_summary"), verbatimTextOutput("data_filter_code")), column(4, IDEAFilter_ui("data_filter")))) server <- function(input, output, session) { filtered_data <- IDEAFilter("data_filter", data = starwars2, verbose = FALSE) output$data_filter_code <- renderPrint({ cat(gsub("%>%", "%>% \n ", gsub("\\s{2,}", " ", paste0( capture.output(attr(filtered_data(), "code")), collapse = " ")) )) }) output$data_summary <- renderPrint({ if (nrow(filtered_data())) show(filtered_data()) else "No data available" }) } shinyApp(ui = ui, server = server) }
Shiny data filter module server function
shiny_data_filter(input, output, session, data, verbose = FALSE)
shiny_data_filter(input, output, session, data, verbose = FALSE)
input |
requisite shiny module field specifying incoming ui input reactiveValues |
output |
requisite shiny module field capturing output for the shiny data filter ui |
session |
requisite shiny module field containing the active shiny session |
data |
a |
verbose |
a |
a reactive expression
which returns the filtered data wrapped
in an additional class, "shinyDataFilter_df". This structure also contains
a "code" field which represents the code needed to generate the filtered
if(all(c(interactive(), require("dplyr"), require("IDEAFilter")))) { library(shiny) library(IDEAFilter) library(dplyr) # for data pre-processing and example data # prep a new data.frame with more diverse data types starwars2 <- starwars %>% mutate_if(~is.numeric(.) && all(Filter(Negate(is.na), .) %% 1 == 0), as.integer) %>% mutate_if(~is.character(.) && length(unique(.)) <= 25, as.factor) %>% mutate(is_droid = species == "Droid") %>% select(name, gender, height, mass, hair_color, eye_color, vehicles, is_droid) # create some labels to showcase column select input attr(starwars2$name, "label") <- "name of character" attr(starwars2$gender, "label") <- "gender of character" attr(starwars2$height, "label") <- "height of character in centimeters" attr(starwars2$mass, "label") <- "mass of character in kilograms" attr(starwars2$is_droid, "label") <- "whether character is a droid" ui <- fluidPage( titlePanel("Filter Data Example"), fluidRow( column(8, verbatimTextOutput("data_summary"), verbatimTextOutput("data_filter_code")), column(4, shiny_data_filter_ui("data_filter")))) server <- function(input, output, session) { filtered_data <- callModule( shiny_data_filter, "data_filter", data = starwars2, verbose = FALSE) output$data_filter_code <- renderPrint({ cat(gsub("%>%", "%>% \n ", gsub("\\s{2,}", " ", paste0( capture.output(attr(filtered_data(), "code")), collapse = " ")) )) }) output$data_summary <- renderPrint({ if (nrow(filtered_data())) show(filtered_data()) else "No data available" }) } shinyApp(ui = ui, server = server) }
if(all(c(interactive(), require("dplyr"), require("IDEAFilter")))) { library(shiny) library(IDEAFilter) library(dplyr) # for data pre-processing and example data # prep a new data.frame with more diverse data types starwars2 <- starwars %>% mutate_if(~is.numeric(.) && all(Filter(Negate(is.na), .) %% 1 == 0), as.integer) %>% mutate_if(~is.character(.) && length(unique(.)) <= 25, as.factor) %>% mutate(is_droid = species == "Droid") %>% select(name, gender, height, mass, hair_color, eye_color, vehicles, is_droid) # create some labels to showcase column select input attr(starwars2$name, "label") <- "name of character" attr(starwars2$gender, "label") <- "gender of character" attr(starwars2$height, "label") <- "height of character in centimeters" attr(starwars2$mass, "label") <- "mass of character in kilograms" attr(starwars2$is_droid, "label") <- "whether character is a droid" ui <- fluidPage( titlePanel("Filter Data Example"), fluidRow( column(8, verbatimTextOutput("data_summary"), verbatimTextOutput("data_filter_code")), column(4, shiny_data_filter_ui("data_filter")))) server <- function(input, output, session) { filtered_data <- callModule( shiny_data_filter, "data_filter", data = starwars2, verbose = FALSE) output$data_filter_code <- renderPrint({ cat(gsub("%>%", "%>% \n ", gsub("\\s{2,}", " ", paste0( capture.output(attr(filtered_data(), "code")), collapse = " ")) )) }) output$data_summary <- renderPrint({ if (nrow(filtered_data())) show(filtered_data()) else "No data available" }) } shinyApp(ui = ui, server = server) }